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Structure And Management Of WACAA

The Objectives, Leadership, Management and Components of WACCA The opening ceremony and the presentations at the conference paved the way for discussions on the formulation of guidelines and expectations on the establishment of the West African Centre for the...

Recap Of Interviews with Dr Francis Appiah on WACAA

The Executive Secretary of the National African Peer Review Mechanism-Governing Council, Dr Francis Appiah has ended a working visit to Germany, Canada, and the United States of America. It was at the invitation of Development Partners and Institutions which have...

Biography of Dr. Francis Appiah

The late Dr. Francis Appiah was born on the 5th of September 1955 in Ashanti. He started his primary education in Bechem in the Brong Ahafo region, continued in Kumasi, and moved to Accra where he sat the Common Entrance Examination and was back to Kumasi when he...

APRM and IoD-Gh to Strengthen Ghanaian MSMSEs for AfCFTA.

APRM and IoD-Gh to Strengthen Ghanaian MSMSEs for AfCFTA.

The African Peer Review Mechanism (APRM) and the Institute of Directors-Ghana (IoD-Gh), have agreed to pilot a high-capacity corporate governance training and mentoring programme for 25 indigenous Micro Small, and Medium-sized Enterprises (MSMEs), to help them access...

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